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Hello! I'm Andrew

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My Story

Due to COVID-19, all my trips in 2020 and in 2021 have been either canceled or postponed. Having ample time on my hands, I decided to turn this unfortunate crisis into a success story by working on this website and keeping myself busy doing something constructive. Instead of disappointment and stress from COVID-19, after all these years, I finally sat down to write my story, beginning with what I do the best, digital marketing.

For those families who have suffered the loss of a loved one from COVID-19, I send my heartfelt condolences. I have no words—but I will say that we need to protect the living by doing our small part: help to save our world.

Vegetarian Pizza Russian River Brewing Santa Rosa CA
Best Backstreet in London
Best Dining in Paris France
Specialty Coffee
Best Digital Marketing Agency

Travel • Food • Coffee • SEO

Life of travel, food, specialty coffee, support save the planet, and

digital marketing search engine optimization.

Best place to visit in Paris


I grew up in Southern California, and I spent most of my adulthood working for Uncle Sam. I have no previous knowledge and working experience on the Internet, blogging, social media, or digital marketing, SEO, website building, which is typical because there were no such things when I was growing up. Looking back, I miss the analog era as much as I am enjoying the digital world. Instead of checking emails, we enjoyed getting our mail from the mailbox, even annoying junk mails, and no one expected us to be available 24/7 as we are now expected to be given access to smartphones. We licked the envelope seal with our tongue instead of clicking the “send,” frequently getting a paper cut.

My Story of New Adventure

About 10 years ago, I said “good-bye” to my stable income, nine-to-five Uncle Sam’s job, to start my own business. It was all new to me, so I had to relearn everything. Instead of working 40 hours per week, I began working 100 hours per week.

When I started my first business, I hired a professional to create my website, spending thousands of dollars. A few months later, I got a website that did not reflect my business, not to mention that I had to provide all of my website contents. I spent many hours describing my business, and worst of all, I spent thousands of dollars. Then it struck me that I could design my website without spending a fortune. After successfully designing and developing hundreds of websites, I now want to share what I have learned with other small business owners like you.

Best Place to visit in Korea

Digital Marketing

It’s a no-brainer that digital marketing will shape the future of many businesses. The sooner you start, the better your placement will be in the digital world. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars per year to do this; you can do it at a fraction of the cost. Yes, you may have to do some research, but with today’s technology and readily available information, you can have a place in the digital world. Start by registering your brand domain, build a website with a free website builder, digital marketing, and email campaign.

For this reason, lately, I have become affiliated with a company that has been a pioneer in the Internet marketing field and has been around longer than Google. We’ve helped over 12,000 businesses with 100% success.

Ten years ago, most small businesses used to hire a professional to develop even the simplest website. Today, many small companies embrace and create their own website with the Internet’s help. I set out my story to help small and medium businesses to develop a modern and simple WordPress website for better placement in any search engine.

Small Business Owner

As a business owner, you know your business better than anyone else. There is no better person to work on your website or digital marketing. It’s your business, your products, and your services. This way, you can modify, change office hours, update information, update products, update and respond to a post, send out appointment reminders, send out a newsletter, and much more, do it at your own pace. Just start today, and before you know it, you will be glad you did and pleased with the outcome. Get your domain today before your competitors do. You can reserve your domain in five minutes or less from Dreamhost or Bluehost.

I don’t regret my decision to leave Uncle Sam. I’m enjoying my life, spending most of my time traveling and seeing various parts of the world. My goal is not to travel around the globe, but rather go to a selected place where I like to hang out, get lost walking back streets, dine where locals dine, sip morning coffee, and shop at small “non-souvenir” shops. I enjoy learning and respecting local cultures and traditions.

My Story Lifestyle

I chose a vegetarian life for a couple of main reasons: to protect animals and protect our planet. The most challenging part of being a vegetarian is when I travel. Leaving your kitchen and your city’s comfort, and finding a good vegetarian restaurant can be frustrating when I travel. I am not familiar with local foods and restaurants.

Typically, I am continually searching for a good vegetarian meal using my mobile device, but the information is still very limited. I felt the need to add this information since traveling is what I enjoy the most. This is one of the reasons for this blog site. Thus, my profession as a digital marketing, and my vegetarian lifestyle are the motivation for this site. Besides, I enjoy home cooking vegan dishes. I’m mostly vegan at home and vegetarian when I travel. I compromise when I travel since it’s impossible to enjoy my travel sticking to a strict vegan diet.

Specialty Coffee, My Story

About ten years ago, I became a coffee enthusiast. Thus, finding an excellent local coffee when I travel is another part of my blog. Since I am trying to stay away from sweet coffee, my favorite coffees are Americano, expresso, or non-dairy lattes (soy latte, almond latte, oak milk latte, to name a few). I enjoy various specialty coffees such as Ethiopian, Guatemalan, Brazilian, Honduran, Indonesian, Columbian, Mexican, and El Salvadorian. Most of the time, I prefer Ethiopian coffees, such as Yirgacheffe and Sidamo, but I also enjoy Guatemalan, Brazilian, and El Salvadorian. Please note that I only support and promote Fair Trade Coffee.

Learning About Digital Marketing

I like learning new things, discovering new places, discovering new favorite foods, fashions, and shopping, but above all, protecting our fragile world, which we depend on for life. Doing things you enjoy the most without worrying about your finances motivated me to start this site. You can build your blog as well. What do you enjoy the most in your life? What are your interests? Once you have these basic answers, you can start your own blogging website as I have done. I will show you how I started small. You can do this while you are working on your primary job. Start building your own digital world today, click here to begin.




Animal Protection

For a starter, my focus is on the following: